miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009

The sun's energy

When he was just a few months I gave my nephew half a cherry tomato. At first, when tested, closed her eyes tightly and thought I had not liked too much, but the latter, as I was still holding the fruit, took my hand and began to eat. Then I said: "Of course you like, in tomatoes is all the sun's energy."
For if the Church forbade its consumption by a fruit considered satanic, that it must be good. The apple of love, as he was known, became popular for their supposed aphrodisiac properties, but until the seventeenth century did not become common in European tables.
Tomato sauce, tomato sauce, crushed, ketchup, gazpacho, tomato jam ... I think I can not imagine what our kitchen before the Spanish conquistadors brought us American. So today I dedicate this space, but I will talk about a way to use tomatoes still apparently has not spread too much: the dried tomatoes or dried.

The dried tomatoes, concentrating on it all its properties, is extremely tasty. Regrettably in our country are very difficult (if you travel to Italy do not forget to buy!). It is easier to find and hydrated and oil ... but you know: if we can make ourselves better.
Dry them is not too complicated, in summer we can harness the sun to dry (sun-dried are much good) but in winter we have to resort to the oven.

How to oven dry tomatoes?

Use a medium-sized tomato. I like pear tomatoes, but there are so many that the issue is just to test. In a baking tray open put all the tomatoes in half and we add a little salt and sugar. We put in an oven at 60 º C and leave them until they are dry. This process is very long (about 4 or 5 hours, it all depends on the size of tomato), so I advise to do too much at once, so take advantage of energy. Where are dry and cold can be used for anything. I like to take 3 or 4 in my tomato sauces before shred or cut into four fish stews.
But a great option is to keep putting them in oil and vacuum. The first thing to do is rehydrate the tomatoes about 15 minutes in warm water to 1 hour in cold water. After the secaremos well, will be entered into a canning pot and we add fresh basil leaves, some oregano, some peppercorns, salt and if you will, a few grains of cumin and a crushed whole garlic (a matter of taste , I love garlic) or the boats we'll enter the water bath for 1 hour after the water begins to boil.

Salad with dried tomatoes, caramelized apple and walnut vinaigrette and ham

Finally I advise you to cultivate your own tomatoes ever, see how they are slowly putting red is a wonderful thing.

I'm staying with my favorite tomato recipe, a good tomato of Los Palacios with salt and Arbequina olive oil. There is nothing good.

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