martes, 20 de abril de 2010


I guess all you have ever tried the gnocchi, but usually do not know potato is usually not know anything. But events at home ... Ay! that is another thing.

Potato Gnocchi

500 g of skinless baked potato
75 gr flour
75g cornflour
20 g of salt
2 eggs

The coceremos potatoes whole with skin, abundant water and a handful of salt. After the pelaremos and grate or crush with a fork. To get you kicked potato flour, eggs and salt and mix well.
Cut small pieces of dough to which we will make these brands after features. I have the wooden contraption below because I bought in Siena, but you can do the same with a grater or with a fork. When we formed the coceremos in boiling water for 4 minutes.
After this, we can freeze, or put them in the fridge and then adding our favorite sauce.


Those pictured are potato gnocchi gorgonzola flavored vanilla and strawberry dice

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